I can’t explain how does it feel to have someone so close to you complicit of something so witched done to you.

Sofía Araya
1 min readMar 7, 2023

I have no idea if it was the case or not, but even though I try so hard (and payed a lot of money) to let it go, it still hurts.

The love and trust I once had for a child, a friend and a sister being betrayed and destroyed at the same time in that way is something I think I can never recover from.

To encounter in social trivial gatherings with her, and make as if that afternoon the murder of a part of myself never took place it’s an unspoken agreement I refuse to take a part of.

Nobody notices it but me, and her.

I know she knows, I know she feels ashamed, or at least I hope she does. But she never comes close and say a remorseful word for it.



Sofía Araya

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