Sofía Araya
Dec 18, 2022


If a god really exists, it does in the way your kisses taste.

It manifests in the way your skin feels, in the way your fingers interlock perfectly with mine.

It survives of the genuine laughter and the conversations until dawn.

If a god really exists, it does in the calm of the tropical thunderstorm, it does in the smoke of a midnight cigarette.

It lives in the flawless harmony our souls make.

It hides behind the infinite possibilities that your eyes hold.

It grows from the shared curiosity for the unknown.

If a god really exists, it does in the smiles I get every time your text pops up.

It does in the human form of the man I’ve been asking for.



Sofía Araya

Escribo porque me abruman mis sentimientos. He aquí pequeños recovecos de mi alma transcritos y plasmados en letras. 26 || CRC.